Monday, December 17, 2012

The Sport of Ugly Hands

Calluses after high intense workout

Crossfit and calluses are long living friends. If you do Crossfit long enough you will end up having ugly hands. Crossfit is a high intensity workout that will make you have big calluses on your hands. The following are the causes of calluses:-
  •          Kipping or butterfly pull-ups
  •          Snatches
  •          Kettle bell swings
  •          Rope climb

Why taking care of calluses is important?

Most athletes are proud of having calluses and think that having it is a sign of working-out hard.  But what they don’t know that calluses will rip off and tear some skin with it. That will affect their performance during the WOD (workout of the day). Therefore, taking care of your hands and removing calluses before they tear of some skin is a critical issue to keep building your strength and having good technique. 

This is a brief video tutorial of how to remove calluses without tearing some skin off:-

These are the links for the gymnastics and crossfit gloves:-

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Starting CrossFit: What Should I Do to Prepare?


This week I posted a short article about CrossFit and The Biggest Loser.  It quickly become the most popular article on the site and has been shared all over Facebook.  However, given that there was little meat to the article, I tried to understand why it resonated.
What I came up with was the following:  If your life has been positively impacted by CrossFit, you want your friends, family, and coworkers to have that same opportunity.  And having seriously overweight people succeed means CrossFit isn’t just for people who are already fit.
CrossFit HQ acknowledges the perception of CrossFit may make it seem out of reach for everyday people:
“Our typical reader [of CrossFit Journal] is seen by his friends, acquaintances, and family members as, quite frankly, a freak – a fitness freak, but still a freak. Your endorsement may not carry the weight you would hope or think it would.”
This comment from Anne captures the sentiment exactly:
Starting CrossFit after seeing TBL
So, if the show The Biggest Loser can motivate and inspire someone in starting CrossFit, should they immediately sign up for a membership at a local affiliate gym?  I would argue that people who have been sedentary and are seriously out of shape would benefit greatly from a month or more of remedial, at-home exercising BEFORE enrolling.
Some will say that you can scale CrossFit and begin at any stage of fitness.  OK, perhaps that is true.  But, I believe that people are more likely to stick with the program and become integrated into the community IF they feel like they belong.
Walking in on day one with the ability to do a few basic movements gives you a big boost of confidence and proves [to yourself]  that you belong.

OK, Where do I Start?

For now, don’t worry about the CrossFit lingo (Fran, WOD, AMRAP, etc.).  Don’t worry about purchasing new shoes.  And most definitely don’t worry about learning Olympic weightlifting.
Starting CrossFit with Primal BluePrint Fitness
No, if you are sedentary and out of shape, I highly recommend getting Mark Sisson’s free ebook,Primal Blueprint Fitness.  In the book, Mark identifies the “Five Essential Movements,” pushups, pull ups, overhead press, squats, and plank and outlines a realistic and reasonable series of progressions for each.  Below are videos are Mark demonstrating each of the five movements:
Overhead Press
I’m not suggesting that you need to master each of these five movements or even progress all the way through them.  However, having one, two, or three months with these skills will give you a big leg up when starting CrossFit.
This is a survey about using banned supplement & other substitute. It will take you less than 3 minutes. click on the link.


Sunday, December 9, 2012

Crossfit 101

What is Crossfit?

Crossfit is a new workout routine that will help people lose weight and gain muscles. It’s an instructor led group workout. Also, Crossfit is a high intensity workout whereby people will be doing a combination of workouts like Olympic lifting and body weight workouts. For more information click on this link.

Who can join Crossfit?

Crossfit is a community program where everyone is welcomed to join. It’s a community that helps 
each other to reach their goals (body fat loss, muscles gain, becoming an athlete). Also, being in a community helps people stay motivated. In this community you will see army personnel, students, MMA fighters, business owners, mothers, and even lazy people sometimes.

What are the benefits of doing crossfit?

Crossfit has many health benefits. The following list is some of the benefits of doing Crossfit:-
·         Helps control body weight, whether it is gaining or losing weight.
·         Helps lowering heart diseases by not having high blood pressure.
·         Releases the stress away and improving your mood.
·         Makes your body look and feel better.
·         Delivers more oxygen and nutrition to your body tissues which will make you more energetic.

What if I needed more than just an exercise?

Crossfit is more than an exercise if you want it to be. In Crossfit gym, athletes compete with each other because after every exercise your score (either in rounds or time) will be written on the board. The score will be on the board until someone can defeat you. This competition strategy will help build motivation for athletes and push them to train harder during the workout. Some athletes want more than competing in the gym and for that, Crossfit provides very highly competitions. Crossfit Games take place in United States, Canada, and United Kingdom. This gives a chance for the Crossfit athletes to travel around the world and compete with others for a prize, which is usually ranged from $250,000 to $500,000.

So are you interested on joining Crossfit? Please feel free to E-mail me if you want more information about Crossfit.